april 2012


This is a typical springsituation. The bees are at work. This one is landing on my wall in a moment as the shadow shows.

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Lystfisker i Nice

Der lystfiskes i Middelhavet. Nogle af fiskerne står på den stenede strand længere hen ad Promanade des Anglais, men klipperne i nærheden af pynten er øjensynligt også et godt sted at fiske, idet man ser ikke så få lystfiskere her. Her er en af dem. Lad os håbe han får bid.

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Gadstrup Rail Station

Yesterday I got an email from USA. I was asked if I knew anything about a station master from the beginning of 1900. He was the great granfather of the mailers husband. I don’t know anything of Ole Toppenberg, who was the boss of my local station at that time – but I will look […]

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Månedens kunstner på Roskilde-biblioteker

På Roskilde kommunes biblioteker er der udstillinger af Månedens Kunstner. Jeg er blevet opfordret til at udstille fotografier i efteråret 2012. Opfordringen er inspireret af billeder på Roskilde Daily Photo, en foto-blog koblet på City Daily Photo. 2013: Der udstilles 7 fotografier på fællesudstilling med de fleste af månedernes kunstnere fra 2012. Udstillingen finder sted […]

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Stevns Klint

6 members of the family did a walking tour at Stevns Klint today – this is an outstanding piece of danish nature. Part of the old chuch fell into the sea in 1928. Take a look at Stevns Klint and read a little more.

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Yesterdays photo was a potato

This has not much to do with Roskilde – but, these potatos will soon grow in Roskilde, in my garden. Yesterdays photo was part of the lowest potato to  the left. The potatos to the lef is King Edward (in my childhood pronounced “ki-nedvard”) and to the right you see Agata, an early potato.

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Wthat do you think this is?

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The morning- and evening sky as seen from my window easter sunday

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