Official 13

Security and officials are part of motorsport at the roads. I was standing behind another line.

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Still grass to eat.

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I heard a lot of car-noise today. It was from Danish Championship in Rally. I walked to Brordrup and got a few shots as seen here.

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Artist of the Month

Earlier this year I was asked to show my photos at two local libraries in Roskilde municipality in October and November 2012. I should be Artist of the Month. I said yes – and the photos are now to be seen at the first library, Gundsømagvle Bibliotek. But  – if this is too far away […]

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Det gamle rådhus i Roskilde

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Huse på domkirkepladsen i Roskilde

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Sejlskib i Roskilde havn

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Turister sejler med vikingeskib i Roskilde

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Gadebelysning på Stændertorvet

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