januar 2013

Houses at Køge Harbour

You find restaurants in many of the houses at Køge harbour.

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The Comfortable Køge-chair by Allan Olsen

The comfortable Køge-chair is made by Allan Olsen. The chair is placed near Køge River and I like to take a look at this piece of art whenever I pass. A few days ago the wintersun did shine at the chair. Here you see the face and below the whole chair. What do you think?

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Køge Harbour With Ice

It has been cold in Denmark – and you ice in Køge harbour.

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From my garden.

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It Is Cold To Be A Bird

This birch is just before the railroad in Gadstrup. The black birds are enjoying the sun on this cold winterday. The company is called Danish Agro. They have just made a new advertising-paper, Ny avis på gaden … (New paper at the street), which means everyone has got it in the mailbox. I do certainly […]

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Gadstrup Rail Station

A winter day on the way to Roskilde.

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Between Ramsømagle and Gadstrup

This is shot near Ramsømagle – Gadstrup is in the background.

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It Is Winter These Days

Despite the hard winter these days, we go out for a walk – this view is just outside Gadstrup on the way to Ramsømagle.

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This is the birch just outside at wintertime. Yesterday morning temperature was –16 degr. Celsius. Here is the birch a sunny autumn-day.

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