Død ved Nedstyrtning med Flyvemaskine
Slægtsforskning er en spændende beskæftigelse. Interessen herfor medførte for en tid siden en tanke om, hvor mange mennesker der døde af Den spanske syge i 1918 – 20 i Gadstrup sogn. Spørgsmålet kunne ikke besvares, idet dødsårsag ikke blev anført i kirkebogen. Blikket faldt imidlertid på en ung mand, der var død i Gadstrup og […]
Summer has changed to danish summer
July has been fantastic. Dry, hot and lots of sunshine. Now we have a more usual danish summer – sun, rain, wind. Rain and sun in the garden. There was not much rain in that cloud.
It Is Cold To Be A Bird
This birch is just before the railroad in Gadstrup. The black birds are enjoying the sun on this cold winterday. The company is called Danish Agro. They have just made a new advertising-paper, Ny avis på gaden … (New paper at the street), which means everyone has got it in the mailbox. I do certainly […]
Between Ramsømagle and Gadstrup
This is shot near Ramsømagle – Gadstrup is in the background.
It Is Winter These Days
Despite the hard winter these days, we go out for a walk – this view is just outside Gadstrup on the way to Ramsømagle.
This is the birch just outside at wintertime. Yesterday morning temperature was –16 degr. Celsius. Here is the birch a sunny autumn-day.
Winter again
We had +temperature for at period, but now the winter has come back, we have –temperature again. The rear clouds are with snow, just a little. The stick is for the driver of the snowplow, so he can see where the road is. If there are a lot of snow. This photo is shot between […]