Heavy Storm Over Denmark
A heavy storm has hit Denmark today. This tree in Roskilde could not stand against natures forces.
Pear Rust (Gymnosporangium sabinae)
I have a lot of pear rust at to trees in my garden. Today I shot these twwo photos of the rust at the backside of the leaves.
Wistaria and
Just outside Roskilde Library the wistarias are flowering – here is one of two. There are also many trees covered by lots of white flowers – but, unfortunatly, I don’t know the name of the tree.
This is a typical springsituation. The bees are at work. This one is landing on my wall in a moment as the shadow shows.
Yesterdays photo was a potato
This has not much to do with Roskilde – but, these potatos will soon grow in Roskilde, in my garden. Yesterdays photo was part of the lowest potato to the left. The potatos to the lef is King Edward (in my childhood pronounced “ki-nedvard”) and to the right you see Agata, an early potato.
Spiders Net and Fog
Today we had fog in the morning – thats perhaps why there are so many waterdrops in the spiders net.
What kind of weather are to be expected in a moment? Sky just seen from my garden. A few drops of rain came – followed by the sun and a rainbow.
Large waves is unusual at this little lake in Gadstrup, but the other day there were some… The rescuepost is seen to the right.