oktober 2011

Psykolog Nyt

Psykolog Nyt er Dansk Psykolog Forenings medlemsblad. Bladet udkommer 26 gange om året. Det indeholder naturligvis informationer af relevans for psykologer, men der er en lang række artikler, der kan have relevans for mange andre læsere. Man kan med andre ord blive klogere af at læse, hvad der skrives i bladet. Nogle af artiklerne, der […]

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Train and Fog

Yesterday was a grey day. Caused by fog. Here are two not very interesting photos from yestereday. The first shows a kind of train in the fog. The second is the same train 40 meters away – you can’t see it, only a kind of shadow.

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The Landscape in Roskilde

A few weeks ago I was at my way home from Køge using the local train. Between Havdrup and Gadstrup I saw the rainbow and shot these two photos through the trains window. You also get an impression of the landscape.

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Stranden i Nice

Billedet herunder er taget tæt på pynten i Nice. Går man på Promenade des Anglais, kan man ikke være i tvivl om, hvad pynten er. Er man dér, har man et meget fint kig på vand, strand, by og bjerge i baggrunden. Det er så dejligt at se på, at man (jeg) tit har lyst […]

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Washing The Railway Tracks

As you may know, I am using the local train a lot. This is not that train, but a railway-track-washing-train. Why? At autumn the leaves fall on the tracks and make them as soap to drive at. Some years cancellation of half the trains has been the reality. Now they are washing the leaves away […]

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Book Exchange Tree

In Folkeparken, Roskilde you find this special tree. There are books in it –and you are welcome to take a book and place another in the tree.

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The Rope Maker

The other day Tadre Mølle was visited. Our two grandchildren was on vacation and it was decided to visit the old, but still functioning watermill, Tadre Mølle (take a look at a danish blogpost with a few shots from the mill). Tadre Mølle is now part of Roskilde Museum. We were lucky to visit the […]

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Håndværkeres arbejdsevne

Nyhedsstrømmen giver ofte nogle korte informationer. Således kunne man i går høre, at håndværkere – især de yngre – arbejder en hel del mere end man ville gøre, hvis der var tale om en almindelig arbejdsuge. Man hørte en enkelt forklare sig. Priserne er lavere, hvorfor det er nødvendigt at arbejde mere for at holde […]

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Roskilde Cathedral and Opel

Sometimes you have to uncomplicate, at least if you are 68 years old. I did so the other day. A lot of old articles from newpapers were recycled. Among the papers were Politiken – a Danish newspaper – from October 1th, 1959. It was at that time 75 years old. I was funny to see […]

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