
Marguerite after frosty weather

Shot from my garden today.

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Fall Aster In My Garden

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Yellow water-lily in Folkeparken, Roskilde

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It is growing

Neighbour’s pine

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Yellow fields

Raps in danish. rape in english, is flowering these days just outside Gadstrup, direction Ramsømagle.

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King Winter Is Back

The sky with hails has passed this morning. Here are some of the hails – not large, but I don’t think the violets liked them.

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Peoples Park in Roskilde

Crocus, many of them are now seen in Folkeparken.

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Autumn colours

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A flower from Alice

Earlier this year Alice from the Danish Kidney Association gave me an envelope with seeds. The flower this day was from that envelope. I like it and I will harvest some seeds for next year, but I don’t know the name of the flower.

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