The Comfortable Køge-chair by Allan Olsen
The comfortable Køge-chair is made by Allan Olsen. The chair is placed near Køge River and I like to take a look at this piece of art whenever I pass. A few days ago the wintersun did shine at the chair. Here you see the face and below the whole chair. What do you think?
Artist Kate
Kate is one of the Artists of the Month participating in the combined exhibition at Roskilde Library at the moment. She was not present when yestersdays photo was shot. Here she is in front of one of her paintings. You can watch that painting below. More information at Kate Piil (in Danish). She tells about […]
Artists of the Month 2012
As mentioned yesterday an exhibition of works of artists of the month are to be seen at Roskilde Library these days. Here are eight of us. Stading from left: Steen Jespersen Per M. Jacobsen Hanne Christensen Mauritz Tchikai Sitting from left: Bodil Poulsen (fremhæv navnet) Bente Christensen Vivi Lindegaard Jørgen Carlsen Not present at this photo: […]
Arne Haugen Sørensen Exhibition in Roskilde
Arne Haugen Sørensen is a famous Danish artist. Today he was in Roskilde participating in the opening of an exhibition of water-colour paintings. He is 80 years old and still going strong, as you see. He was busy signing books, cards and posters and seemed to enjoy beeing in Roskilde. The exhibition, “Den passionerede”, ends […]
Wall Painting in Sankt Ols Stræde
To the letft you see the cathedral and a viking ship, to the right is “orange scene” from Roskilde Festival.
Lise Nørgaard
Lise Nørgaard (born 1917) is a very famous danish journalist and writer, very well know from TV for Matador, taking place in “Korsbæk”. She was born i Roskilde, and a new statue, made by Mette Agerbæk, can be seen in Algade.
A Yellow Cab
As you see, Roskilde have at least one yellow taxi. I the background are the Roskilde jars.
Fountain at Stændertorvet
This fountain at Stændertovet, Roskilde is decorated with symbols from Roskilde city arms and was made by V. J. Mørk-Hansen 1895.
More of the Mural og Gable Painting in Roskilde
Here is most of the mural painting in Roskilde I showed you a part of yesterday.