30 kilometre from Copenhagen
This stone is standing in Roskilde 30 km from a particular stone in Copenhagen. It is standing 129 meters before the 4 mile-stone at the same street in Roskilde. Take a look at the mentioned stones here. This photo is from the archives – the weather is very dark and wet these days in Denmark.
This kilometre-stone is before distance was measured in Km. It is standing in Roskilde just outside Røde Port (Red Gate). The distance is 4 Miil from Copenhagen. Frederik V was King 1746-66. One “mil” is 7532,48 m. If you take a look at the kilometrestone in Copenhagen, you will see the distance to Roskilde is […]
Distance to Roskilde from Copenhagen
This stone – a so called kilometre-stone – is standing at the City Hall Square in Copenhagen. The distance to Roskilde is 30 kilometre, and to Ringsted twice as much – if you follow the old road. Some day I will take a photo of such a stone in Roskilde. If you want to see […]