The Rope Maker

The other day Tadre Mølle was visited. Our two grandchildren was on vacation and it was decided to visit the old, but still functioning watermill, Tadre Mølle (take a look at a danish blogpost with a few shots from the mill). Tadre Mølle is now part of Roskilde Museum.

We were lucky to visit the mill the day the rope maker was working.

I asked Aksel to be part of this miniportrait of his skills. Aksel told he learned to make ropes at the family farm 70 years ago, and because he had practiced ever since he still is able to make some ropes at special  occasions at Tadre Mølle. He has a simple tool, but as you see at the end of the photos, he makes excellent ropes. Aksel told he has the feeling of ropemaking in his hands.

Ropemaking at Tadre Mølle

First Aksel placed 3 x 4 strings between the blue plate and “the other end”. He turns and turn – and suddenly there are 4 strings.

Ropemaking at Tadre Mølle

The the rope is made from the other end using another simple tool and by help of my gandchild turning and turning the moving part.

Ropemaking at Tadre Mølle

Here is the good, old tool.

Ropemaking at Tadre Mølle

Ropemaking at Tadre Mølle

And Aksels “rope-sensitive” hand.

Ropemaking at Tadre Mølle

The rope has to be secured in both ends.

Ropemaking at Tadre Mølle

Here is the result.

Ropemaking at Tadre Mølle

It was a cold day – and a pancake was good to have.

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  1. Nice series of photos.

  2. Fun to see him making rope! They demonstrate that at on the of family friendly festivals here in EAGAN, too!
    Hilsen fra Hagen

    Jeg hadde Kong Harald og Dronning Sonja pa min blogg forra veckan

  3. May I have permission to use one of these photos of your rope maker? They are wonderful photos. I would like to use the photo for a presentation.

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