september 2012

Lammerklamm i Østrig

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Blåfugle i Virgental i Østrig

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After a few days with lots of rain, the sun was shining from the blue sky this morning – and, as can be seen, there are still at least one raspberry in the garden.

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Gågaden i Menton

Det er ikke kun i Menton man lader juleudsmykningen hænge tværds over gaderne fra den ene jul til den næste. Som det ses her er udsmykningen klaret  – for det er vel næppe allerede hængt op i slutningen af oktober.

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Pear Rust (Gymnosporangium sabinae)

I have a lot of pear rust at to trees in my garden. Today I shot these twwo photos of the rust at the backside of the leaves.

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Gadstrupløbet 2012

Gadstrup Idrætsforening (Gadstrup Athletic Association) celebrates its first 100 years these days. Congratulation. Today members participated in a street race through Gadstrup. Here are some impressions. A few seconds after start. Along the church. The winners of 5 km. All runners were winners. A tough winner. A proud winner. Explosive winners. Wonderful to be a […]

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