Storm and Storm Surge December 6th and 7th 2013

Højvande i Roskilde Fjord

A long lasting storm has passed Denmark and the surrounding countries a few days ago. A lot of damage, including damage caused by storm surge at many places, are seen. Many high-water records are noticed. Roskilde Fjord peaked 2,06 meter over normal. My photos was taken at 10 AM friday, but later it was a lot worse.

Højvande i Roskilde Fjord

The Viking Ship Museum to the left was under pressure from the water and precautions was taken. At the museum homepage there are several photos and a short video, see Viking Ship Museum. Later the museum was surrounded by water.

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Christmas in Roskilde

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  1. Her er det grønn jul, regn og vind. Ikke håp om skitur. Klimaendringene har gjort seg gjeldende her i Norge også. Kan vi håpe på bedre klimapolitikk nå som vår tidligere statsminister Jens Stoltenberg har fått ny jobb som FNs spesialutsending for klima ?

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