
Summer Greetings from my Garden

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These days we have lot of dandelions at some places. Here in front of a company, bbbyg, making industrial buildings.

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Spring Colors

Yesterday the spring colors was as seen at the image. The trees are growing at the beginning of Ramsødalen in Gadstrup.

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Ramsødalen seen from the birdstower. Here is the same motive just befor last Christmas.

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The other day I visited the birdstower at Ramsødalen to look for birds. They were there, but a little too far away to get good shots. Instead I saw some trees stading in water just to the right of the tower.

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These daffodils were shot inside tthe house today in the morningsunlight…

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Leaf Structure

This leaf from my garden survived the winter – at least the structure did. The background is the sky.

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Standing at the station waiting for the train to Roskilde, a man in a car told us the train wouldn’t come because of a bombthreat in Roskilde. Instead we took a local walk. The snow is now melting and something has happend under the snow – the snowdrops has grown as seen today. Nice to […]

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Blackbird in the Garden

I have heard that about  80% of all blackbirds will die this winter. I have seen one or two in the garden and hopefully they enjoy the fat placed in a “birdfeedinghouse”.

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