
We have got 15 cm. snow last night. That means a lot of work to remove the snow so traffic of all kinds again is possible. Here is Carsten – one of the neighbours – working with a snow-throw-away-machine. His car to the left is very much covered by snow.

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Strøget i København


  1. Svar

    I've never used one of these…we moved away from Minnesota before they became popular…but my son-in-law in Colorado uses one all the time and they are wonderful machines…

    If you have to clear away snow…

    I've promised myself to stay in Florida where it's warm and then I will not have to worry about snow piling up in my driveway or hiding my car!

    • Anonymous
    • 30. januar 2010

    I har sandelig også fået en andel af sneen; fint skud af en energisk mand 😉

  2. Svar

    I think Carsten should be wearing a nice, warm, wool hat! We call those machines "snowblowers" in Minnesota!

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