januar 2011

Old City Hall Roskilde

Steffe from Haninge suggested in a comment in december a monthly photo of the old city hall in Roskilde from the same position. It should have been 21th. January, but the shot is from a cold, foggy day a few days later. See all Old City Hall Roskilde.

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Pas på!

Be careful!

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These leeks were part of the evening meal the other day.

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Behåret stueplante

I don’t the name of this plant in our window, but yesterday the sun was shining at it – as you see. I discovered the details when I shot this kind of macro.

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How to use a used Christmas Tree

One month after Christmas my grandchildren are playing with the old X-mas tree.

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Porre / Leek

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Livets gang

ABC-Scandinavia er nu nået til L. At været nået til den erkendelse at skrive en smule om livets gang, tror jeg har at gøre med debatten i Danmark om livets afslutning og hvorledes vurderingen af om genoplivning skal foretages ved hjertestop hos visse patienter foregår. Jeg har imidlertid lige læst Ellens indlæg om livet. Det […]

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Top of The Large Spring

If you look closely at yesterdays photo you can just see something at the top of the little building. This is here. It is a “fresh-water-mermaid”.

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Til kamp mod spild

I øjeblikket er opmærksomheden rettet mod de enorme ressourcer, der går tabt på grund af madspild. Denne plakat fra Nationalmuseet fortæller om den kamp mod spild der fandt sted i 1930erne. For nogle var kampen økonomisk afgørende. In the 1930s it was import not to waste too much because some people could make a living […]

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