Brordrup – week 2, 2012

Readers might have noticed that a photo a day at this blog has not been a reality. So has it been, and it can happen again. But – I have been thinking how to solve the problem in 2012. The decision is to have a weekly theme. There are many small villages in Roskilde municipality and it should be possible to make 7 photos if a village is visited.

The theme for week 2 is: Brordrup. Yesterday I was there, seven shots were made – and here is the first one. Brordrup is to the right (the farm that is seen is in Ramsømagle). The cattle enjoy the green danish winter.

Cattle in Brordrup

Brordrup is a few houses and a few farms 1 kilometre west of Gadstrup. If you want an overview, I have made a photo from the south, take a look at Brordrup.

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Brordrup – photo 2, week 2

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Druen Dornfelder

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