
Baunehøj near the Path of the Gods

If you have seen the last to photos, you have noticed the information of the path of the Gods. Here is the continuation. When I was standing at the road to take a photo of Tornhøj, I shot the road in the direction towards west. You just see a little part Baunehøj where the road […]

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The Path of the Gods

It is not easy to understand that this road between Ramsømagle and Øster Syv is part of the Path of the Gods. At least it is running nearby and there are detours to interesting places. More follows tomorrow.

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Danish Farm in Ramsømagle

This farm is in Ramsømagle. The photo is taken before the actual winterweather.

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The daily walk often goes to Ramsømagle, but sometimes also through that small village. The other day the sun was shining, the wind was somewhere else and the temperature around 0 degree celsius. It was excellent weather to go for a walk. I discovered a small lake I never before have seen in Ramsømagle. In […]

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Long shadows

Yesterday the light was very fine and the shadows long, which is seen at this view over the landscape between Gadstrup and Ramsømagle.

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