
Water Tower in Roskilde

This is the water tower of Roskilde. The photo was shot on a very cold day in december.

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Christmas is over

Today it is a normal day again. Christmas is over, the ducks has been eaten, the christmastree and the presents has been enjoyed, the christmastensions of the grandchildren has changed to relaxation – etc. Many people was not able to go all the way home or where they should be christmasevening. Especially Bornholm was closed […]

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Winter in Gadstrup

Here is more snow.

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Parking in Roskilde

Roskilde got ½ meter snow the other day – parking and driving is indeed difficult.

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No bikes

Is is hard and cold to be cyclist these days in Denmark – and none was seen today at the walk around Gadstrup to get some fresh air.

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More winter

Yesterday we got lots of snow, but we had to get some fresh air and a little walk. This was what was seen.

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This was what nature showed yesterday. This place is the most southern part of Roskilde.

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Winter Morning

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Colours in the Sign

The other day I was walking in Roskilde – and noticed this sign because of the light in it.

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