
White Winter

It is cold in Denmark now – and more winter from the east is expected…

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Ice at window

Now the winter is with ice…

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White frost

As you might have noticed, we have had a green winter till now in Denmark, but the last few days has been cold – with white frost, as can be seen above and below. Salløv is in the background.

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Winter Field in Gadstrup

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Free ice today

It’s still cold, temperature is below 0. But – why was that low row of people standing here in Roskilde today? The answer was to get a free ice at Paradis (is = ice). They celebrated the beginning of the ice-season. I would have celebrated the end of the winter-ice-season.

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The sun this morning – I don’t know what this kind of light-phenomenon is called. Shot through my window.

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Hungry Birds

From the streets of Sct. Jørgensbjerg, shown in last post, it only take a few minutes to walk to Roskilde Harbour. There was still some ice – and a lot of hungry birds which got some bread.

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Temperature in the Carport

It has been cold in Denmark in December. Yesterday – 1.1.11 – temperature was around 0 degree Celsius, but in the carport the sun had the shown effect.

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Winter in Gadstrup

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