Happy New Year

Green Winter

With this photo of the green danish winter everyone is wished a wonderful 2012.

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Godt nytår 2012

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    • Rejen
    • 31. december 2011

    Hej Jørgen, du ønskes hermed et godt nytår og tak for mange skønne billeder i 2011..;-D

  1. Svar

    Happy New Year!

    The last day of 2011 in Stuttgart was drizzly and not very cold. Some bushes are in full bloom. Keep well, Joergen. Ha' det godt!

  2. Svar

    Happy New Year, Jorgen. May you be healthy and may you laugh a lot.

    I thought Denmark would be totally white at this time of the year!

  3. Svar

    Just beautiful…

    Warm wishes for a happy & fun-filled New Year…
    Seasons Greetings!

  4. Svar

    Thank you for all the comments and good wishes for 2012.

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