Kinesisk scam eller fidus

På denne højhelllige Skærtorsdag fik jeg en mail fra fw-chinadnr, der fortæller, at man lige vil gøre opmærksom på, at Baunes Investment Co Ltd har til hensigt at registrere jcarlsen i utallige kombinationer, jvf. nedenstående.
Men jeg kan sikkert komme dem i forkøbet ved selv at købe domænerne. Jeg har nogenlunde nok i
Pyt. Firmaet skal være velkomment til at registrere alt hvad de vil. Hvis de altså kan – for dette investeringsfirma, der har denne særlige interesse i at brande mit navn i Asien, kan man end ikke finde på Google.
Ved en Google-søgning på fw-chinadnr får man det indtryk at andre opfatter de nogenlunde enslydende mails fra foretagendet som scam.
Den kinesiske påskehilsen er følgende:
(If you are not the person who is in charge of this, please forward to the right person/department. Thank you)
Dear CEO,

We , a registrar organization in China, have something to check with you. We received an application Apr.8th

One  company called ” Baunes investment Co Ltd” is applying for “jcarlsen” as internet brand and following Asian/.CN domain names to use.
After our initial checking, we found the internet brand and keyword of these domain names are as same as your company’s, so we need to check this with your company. If the aforesaid company is your subsidiary company or your business partner, please DO NOT reply us, we will approve the application automatically. If you have no any relationship with this company, please contact us within 7 workdays. If out of the deadline, we will approve the application submitted by ” Baunes investment Co Ltd ” unconditionally.
Best Regards,

Ben Cheng
Lead Checker
fax: +86-021-37529316
Address? Room5F, No.885 Green Ark Building, East Huancheng Road,Fengxian District, Shanghai

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