Roskilde 1012 Years

Roskilde 1000 Years
I found these stamps in a drawer. The stamp is celebrating the year Roskilde was 1000 years old as a city. I was in 1998. Simple calculation tells that Roskilde is founded in 998. Well, it is not as old as…, but more than 1000 years is a certain age. On the stamps you see Roskilde Cathedral (Roskilde Domkirke), and at the see a Vikingship, maybe onto a vingking raid to England, Normandy or just shopping a little in Sweden.

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Københavns Rådhus

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Cykelpigen på Rådhuspladsen


  1. Svar

    Fascinating to have such a rich. long history in your city. My city just turned 176 years old. 🙁

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