Theme Day – Wood

The Theme Day is wood. I have choosen two photos from the archives.
Wood under attack
Here is wood “under attack” in the nature.

Prins Carls stakit
This is Prins Carls plankeværk (Prince Carls hoarding). This construction is made of oak, it is 300 years old, and is still going strong and doing what it is meant to do – keeping the animals outside a park. The hole or perforation is a so called shooting-hole. Prince Carl was sitting behind and could put his gun through the hole and…bang. A few more photos of the hoarding, which is from Vemmetofte, can be seen here.

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Kasper Hvidt stopper på landsholdet,

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  1. I don't see that sort of rotting tree as under attack, but rather as sustaining another valuable form of life. I adore all sort of forest floor moulds. They look delighful and give off a pungent odour that is instantly identifable.

  2. I really like your first photo. very interesting and great choice for theme day!

  3. I love the first for the photo's beauty and the second because of the information. Both are wonderful choices for the theme!

    • Anonymous
    • 1. februar 2010

    Det er et par rigtige flotte bidrag 😉

  4. Thank you for the comments. I have changed the text a little and put "under attack" in "" "". It is sometimes difficult to express an exact meaning in English using a few words, it's easier in danish. I just tried to express the process Julie writes about – and which I like – in two words.

  5. The tree dies and transfers all of its energy somewhere else – in this case, into the lovely lichens. A beautiful photo.
    The second one is interesting, a 300 year old fence with a story to tell!

    Three Rivers Daily Photo

  6. One man's meat is another man's poison. An excellent photo fot this theme day.

  7. I especially like the old WOOD with the mushrooms growing on it! Great choice for theme day – veldigt bra gjort, Jorgen!

  8. Very nice indeed

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