september 2011

Bus Stop

The sun was shining today.  At the daily walk we often pass a bench – but, today my wife and I sat on it and enjoyed the sun. Just opposite there is a bus stop – and a “waiting room”. This was our view.

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ABC Scandinavia er nu nået til R, i anden omgang. At valget er faldet på rød knytter sig naturligvis til, at der i øjeblikket arbejdes ihærdigt på at danne en rød regering. Det synes ikke at være en let opgave, idet der vist nok skal dannes en kombination af lilla og flere farver rød. Og […]

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Before leaving Glücksburg, I just want to show this mailbox – it still seem to be used by Deutsche Post.

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Miniferie i Flensburg og Wassersleben

Når man nu hverken har sommerhus i Danmark, ødegård i Sverige, lejlighed i Berlin eller hus i Toscana, må andre muligheder for at komme lidt væk fra hverdagen benyttes. At tage på miniferie er en god ide. Det kan være med toget til Lübeck eller i bil til Flensborg – eller en af de mange […]

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Schloss Glücksburg

Roskilde Daily Photo has once more been outside Roskilde. At a few days vacation in Flensburg, Glücksburg was visited monday. We were inside the castle and enjoyed what we saw. Here is the link to Schloss Glücksburg.  See this overview of importance in Europe. The first photo of the castle was shot just before the […]

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Roskilde Airshow

Every second year there is an airshow a Roskilde Airport. In 2011 it was the last weekend of August. The first day everything was cancelled due to extreme rain. The second day the weather was better. Here is a shot of an old DC3. It parcipates very time.

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Roskilde Cathedral

Roskilde Cathedral is visible from most parts of Roskilde. This shot is from the street were some of the shots from para-WC was made. I have used tele.

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I forrige post vistes billeder af kvæde. Det følgende burde have været med, men her er det med et kig ned i blomsen:

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Phonebox at the Street

Before the mobilepone there were lots of phoneboxes at the streets in the cities. Now there are just few – as this one to be seen at Stændertorvet in Roskilde.

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