Blackbird and lamppost

This photo from my achives is from april 2009. The lamppost is standing just outside my house, the blackbird was sitting on it, I focused and hoped to get a picture when the bird flew. This was the result.

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En still Gousau Sø

En tur rundt om denne sø i Østrig kan gøres på ca. 1 time. Denne dag i sommeren 2009 var vejret fint, en anden dag, hvor samme tur blev valgt var det overskyet og regntungt, men det hindrer naturligvis ikke en gåtur.

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Red Arrows at Roskilde Airshow 2009

Near Roskilde you find Roskilde Airport. Every second year an Airshow is arranged, and the last few times I have taken som photos standing in my garden. In 2009 was a 30 minute show made by RAF Red Arrows. It was noisy and powerful that show. If interested you are welcome to look at more […]

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Klippefast tiltro til overlevelse

Det lille grantræ har fundet et sted at vokse på en stor sten i Gosau-søen i Østrig.

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Tour de Denmark 2009

A photo from the archives. Every year – just after Tour de France – a race though Denmark goes on. Very often there is goal in Roskilde the day before it ends in Copenhagen. In 2009 the race came to Gadstrup – and after long waiting the show was over in few seconds. Only one […]

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Vi trænger da vist efterhånden til en lille vejrforandring – i mellemtiden kan man glæde sig over hvad der sker i naturen om nogle måneder.

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The shadows are still long

Just before New Year the fields were green and the shadows long. They are still long, but a little shorter as the day now is longer. The fields are not green now, but white. You can look far away, and at this photo you see smoke from a very big chimney in Roskilde. It is […]

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Blackbird in the Garden

I have heard that about  80% of all blackbirds will die this winter. I have seen one or two in the garden and hopefully they enjoy the fat placed in a “birdfeedinghouse”.

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