Roskilde Fjord
Swans in Roskilde
To day the weather was very fine. My wife an I had a walk in Roskilde. At the harbour we saw two swans. And two more. Suddenly one of these birds found the others to be too close – or what the motive was. An attack was started, the two escaped and order was reestablished. […]
More Skjoldungestien
The other days walk began in sunshine and ended with a little rain. Here are som photos illustrating that.
Still winter in Roskilde
The ship to the right is Sagafjord, a restaurant-ship. The grey building to the left is the museum of Vikingships.
Hungry Birds
From the streets of Sct. Jørgensbjerg, shown in last post, it only take a few minutes to walk to Roskilde Harbour. There was still some ice – and a lot of hungry birds which got some bread.
Iceboat at Roskilde Fjord
This year we have a long – unusual long – period with frost day and night. There is of course much ice, also at Roskilde Fjord. Some people enjoy sailing iceboats, but not when I was there. Here is one parked iceboat.
Ships in Roskilde Harbour
Not all ships are taken out of the water this winter. The large ones are probably too big to take ashore.
Boats Parked
Boats – many of them – are lifted out of the water in wintertimes and placed at many of the parkingplaces used by tourists visiting Roskilde Harbour at summertimes to take a look at the vikingships. The water at Roskilde Fjord is frozen and some photos will follow the next days