
The Crown Prince and The Crown Princess visiting Roskilde Cathedral

Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary was visting Roskilde Cethedral today to celebrate 5 years of restoration of the Cathedral now is finished. At the photo below you see two tourists from Germany to the right just passing by at the right moment. The Danish Home Guard had a police-job to do as you […]

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Young Lady in Red

The young lady in red is looking at a viking ship. She has an red rose in her hand. Probably she has got it from “Socialdemokraterne” (a dansih political party), they were “active” in the streets of Roskilde that day.

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Just Married and Flying Rice

In Denmark it is a tradition to throw rice at just married people, like this … It was seen in Roskilde 10 days ago.

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Henrik and his grill

Henrik – my son – is preparing the days evening meal at his grill. All was delicious. The familiy was together in Roskilde.

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The Assistant

Yesterdays photo was taken at Lützhøfts Købmandgård. Here is Reholt, who told he was assistant and the man who also told the others what to do. I tasted a salt herring (se below), but – sorry – didn’t buy a beer. At the third photo you see the salt herrings in the shop. One would […]

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Mayor Poul Lindor Nielsen, Roskilde

Mayor Poul Lindor Nielsen was yesterday telling the visiting citizens the story of the new City Hall, or new part of the City Hall. He called it The Bridge, which can be understood from the photo at the screens behind him. You can walk from the two old buildings to the other through the new […]

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Nordic Walking in Gadstrup

Here is Birgit, Birte, Jytte, Kirsten, Marianne, Ragnhild and Yrsa. Every monday they meet at 10 am to take a walk around Ramsøen. They practice Nordic Walking (Danish: Stavgang), enjoy the walkings, the fresh air and “talk and walk”. They celebrate birthsdays together. The agespan is nearly 20 years – from 60 to 78. The […]

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We have got 15 cm. snow last night. That means a lot of work to remove the snow so traffic of all kinds again is possible. Here is Carsten – one of the neighbours – working with a snow-throw-away-machine. His car to the left is very much covered by snow.

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